Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

Pastor Mike Gets Wound-up on "The Meal that Heals"

Listen to this recent broadcast by Pastor Mike Hoggard discussing Perry Stone's teaching on the Meal that Heals - the Eucharist. Several good comments from Pastor Mike and listeners.

Perry has gone under the radar for several years, and it is good to hear someone point out his error and unbiblical revelations.

(Blip tv link) (Begin at 21:00)

Related Post
Perry Stone: Is he a sheep or a wolf?

Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

Pat Robertson: "What In Heaven's Name Is A Dominionist?"

(YouTube link)

Is it possible that Pat Robertson doesn't know the term Dominion Theology? I suspect that he knows exactly what it is.

Is it possible that the typical church-going Christian does not know what it is, even though they teach it in their church? Absolutely! If that person has not been under sound teaching, they will come to see Dominionism as mainstream Christian doctrine. When there is a considerable amount of error being mixed in with authentic truth, it is easy to be fooled. Scripture is changed to mean something entirely different than what it was intended to mean.

Pat is clever as a fox. If he was asked if he was a Freemason, he'd deny that too. He teaches the Dominionist doctrine and has been part of fooling unsuspecting Christians for years.

Glenn Beck: Restoring Courage in Jerusalem

In May 2011, Glenn Beck announced that he was planning a rally called "Restoring Courage," which would be held in far-off Jerusalem, in the month of August. At the time of this announcement, he warned that Israel, was in danger because of the two-state solution being planned by the elite. In his statement that explained why he was calling for a second rally, he said:
"They are going to attack the center of our faith. Our common faith. And that is Jerusalem. And it won't be with bullets or bombs. It will be with a two-state solution that cuts off Jerusalem, the old city, to the rest of the world."
"We have gone to the capitals of our states and to the capitals of our government," he continued. "We have talked to all the power brokers. The only power broker, the only seat of government that can and will solve this problem with or without us, is God. It is time to return inside the walls that surround Jerusalem and stand with people of all faiths, all around the world."[1]
Over the past few months, preparation has been made. Beck's radio broadcast began from Israel a few days ago. In the following video, Glenn and David Barton (who helped to provide financial support) talk about the hundreds of supporters from around the world, including Israeli politicians, who would be on-hand to hear the "Restoring Courage" tour of the Holy Land.

(Beck link)

Beck’s web site said the program called for "unity among all faiths, and it will honor Israelis who have displayed courage in their struggle for survival and peace." It said the event would feature religious leaders, esteemed speakers and entertainers including the Western Wall Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitch, author Dr. Mike Evans, Florida Pastor Tom Mullins, Pastor John Hagee, pseudo-historian David Barton, Oscar winning actor Jon Voight, internationally renowned singer Dudu Fisher, and the Jerusalem Great Synagogue Choir.[2]

Glenn Beck told nearly 3,000 enthusiastic listeners in the Caesarea Amphitheater on Sunday night, "The solutions to the problems of our times are not within the reach of political leaders, rather divinity." He went onto say, “Be not afraid. Know who He is, know His face, know that He is a God of covenants and miracles. We are leaving the age of man-made miracles of spacecraft, and we are entering the age of the miracles of God.”[3]

It may have been from the second in the series of events that the following interview took place. Dr. Mike Evans is a Christian Zionist, part of the Christian Industrial Complex, and has deep involvement with government. In other words, you should not trust anything he says.

(YouTube link)

Wednesday's rally - the main event - was held next to the Old City of Jerusalem, which only drew a fraction of the attendees. In the opening prayer by Rabbi Shlomo quotes Scripture that supports the ownership of the Israeli land. He mentions the interfaith cooperation, and the Third Temple that will be built based upon Isaiah 56:7: “For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.”

It is interesting to note that the Third Temple is a radical and unbiblical fulfillment of a basic tenet of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, and other religions of the world, to manifest the One God on earth by worshiping the One God together in peace. The fulfillment of this Scripture was to take place during the Millennial reign, so they are speeding up the work of rebuilding. 

(Beck link)

The next news clip is from CNN and will provide a broader view of the event.

(CNN link)

And then lastly, a longer excerpt from Glenn's speech.

(Beck link)

Pastor John Hagee spoke just before Beck’s concluding remarks:
“We have come tonight to say to the people of Israel, you are still the apple of God’s eye, you are still the chosen people, you are still the covenant people, you are still cherished the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.”
There is a common misconception that Christians have about the Jews continuing to be the chosen people. It is the elect who are the chosen people, and they are Christian. (1 Peter 2:9,10; Matthew 22:14; Matthew 20:16; Rev. 17:14)

Do all Christians agree with Beck, and do Israelis believe he is in Jerusalem out of genuine concern? No.

  • Bill Keller, the leader of Liveprayer.com, issued the call for a boycott of TBN after Pastor John Hagee and David Barton (both Judas') expressed their support for Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Courage” campaign on the network.In supporting him, they have aligned themselves with a satanic cult.[4]

  • YNet News stated:  "In Israel, there is more courage in one soldier than in the combined and cold hearts of every bureaucrat at the United Nations."

  • The entire State of Israel is being played for a freier (chump) right now, with the actual freier (chump) extravaganza taking place on August 24. [5]  

  • Ahmed Tibi accused Beck of being "motivated by a hatred of Islam." And Americans for Peace Now, a U.S.-based group that supports Israel’s security, which cannot be maintained if it continues to remain in a state of conflict with its Arab neighbors, including the Palestinian people.[6]

Many do not believe Glenn Beck has been sponsoring ecumenical events for the purpose of uniting religion, but with the subtle statements made, it should become more obvious.With Glenn's membership in a secret society, he has made it his personal purpose to assist the fulfillment of end time events. The end time events he has been hastening are the one world religion, which will bring about the world government of the Book of Revelation.

With the help of Neo-Gnostic Jihadist David Barton, the Dominion Theology he supports, which is philosophically akin to totalitarianism or theocratic neofascism, is aligning with Beck's efforts to bring on the  scenario that will ultimately bring war against all Christians. (Based upon research done by Chris Pinto, there is a possibility that Barton is also a Freemason, since he defends Masonry in his books.)

Journalists in Jerusalem believed that Jews were chumps for supporting the efforts of Beck, but it is the evangelical Christians who should be compared to chumps. David Barton and the deep politics of God of the Council for National Policy say that globalization is merely a vehicle for the spread of Christianity - but the opposite is true. It will be to late by the time Beck's supporters wake up and realize they had helped to prepare the way for the tyrannical world dictator of the coming world government.

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

Vatican Conference on Aliens

(EU Times Online) The Vatican is now preparing us for the big message the US government and NASA are planning to announce soon. This is in anticipation to more disclosure and shocking news soon to be released little by little.

Father Jonathan Morris, a correspondent of Fox News channel was the first to report this official conference which is set to be hold soon (an exact date is not yet known) and its results will be given to the public.

(YouTube link)

Noise of Thunder Radio Show talks about the Vatican's deep involvement in the UFO phenomenon, and their views on aliens.  Chris Pinto discusses different ideologies dealing with aliens within the Christian community.  He points out that the Vatican is going to alter Christian doctrine to bring in this new UFO "scientific data." This is similar to what Jesuit Priest Teilhard de Chardin did with Darwin's research and acceptance of evolution.

It should be noted that no one is saying they are demons, or that this is being used to unite religions of the world. (Broadcast)

Senin, 22 Agustus 2011

Benjamin Creme: Transmission Meditation

In the latest edition of Share International videos, Benjamin Creme explains Transmission Meditation. Since there has been more of an emphasis on meditation in the Emergent, Purpose Driven, and Roman Catholic churches, it is interesting to note that this form of meditation is done in a group setting.

In Creme's book titled Transmission: A Meditation for the New Age, he asks:
"Do you want to help the world and build a stronger connection with your own spiritual nature? Transmission Meditation is the simplest way to do both ― at the same time." 
The Share International website the book description states, "Transmission Meditation is a group service activity which 'steps down' the great spiritual energies that continually stream into our planet. During transmission, the Masters of Wisdom [demonic spirits] direct these energies from the spiritual planes through the energy centers (chakras) of the group members in a highly scientific manner. This process, which makes the energies more useful to humanity and the other kingdoms in nature, is similar to that of electrical transformers, which step down the power between generators and household outlets."

The video explains that along with reciting the Great Invocation, it acts as a conduit to link everyone together. The site then says, "The Masters re-direct these stepped-down energies to wherever they are most needed at that moment in time. In response to these energies, for example, nations that have been enemies for centuries may now find they can talk together around a table and peacefully work out solutions."

It is blatantly obvious that the interest in meditation in the Church is all linked together with the New Age movement. Creme says that there are several types of meditation, but the concepts sound very similar to transcendental meditation. In the second video, Creme says that the first step of all meditation is the same, and practicing it will eventually change the person. It becomes a natural inclination to want to serve. 

Just listening you realize how dangerous this practice truly is. These practices are also connected with the meditation of Yoga, and he mentions it in the video.

If you are not familiar with Benjamin Creme, please be warned that he is heavily involved with the occult. He only explains the concepts and history of meditation, but you may choose not to watch the video.

(YouTube link) (Part 2)

Pope Benedict: Be Open to Meditation

(EWTN News) Pope Benedict used his Aug. 17 general audience to reflect on Mary's example of prayer and meditation, just before he travels to Madrid to celebrate World Youth Day with over 1 million young people.

Pope Benedict explained that meditation involves creating “in ourselves a situation of contemplation, of interior silence, to reflect, to assimilate the mysteries of our faith and what God operates in us; and not just the things that come and go.”

The Pope recommended praying the Rosary, which he called “a prayer of meditation” that invites the faithful to reflect deeply on the life of Christ.

He also suggested focusing on private words or reflections that come during the celebration of the Eucharist, which enables “an intense spiritual experience” and can help a person enter into meditation. (Full article)

(YouTube link)

Comment: Contemplative prayer is an eastern mystical technique and not biblical, yet many churches today have successfully added it into their church practices.

Related News
Silence allows people to hear God, Pope says 
Although this statement is true, using the contemplative practices could cause you to hear other spirits. Whenever the Pope makes suggestions of this type, he will always direct your attention back to the Virgin Mary.

Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011

Perry Stone: Is he a sheep or a wolf?

Mystery Babylon, Mother of Harlots

"That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive." Eph. 4:14

Perry Stone has an internationally known ministry, overflowing crowds, his teaching breaks through denominational barriers, and he has seen possibly thousands of decisions for Christ - but do his followers really know what he's teaching? Fast talking as a salesman, he is a fourth generation preacher with a compelling message; but is it all true? 

In 2002, Perry wrote a book titled, The Meal that Heals. In it he explains the Jewish Passover and how Christ transformed this ancient ritual with his death on the cross. He claims that you can experience healing in your heart and body by remembering the Lord and His sacrifice daily. But much of what he is teaching parallels with that of the Roman Catholic church. In the book he distinguishes the difference between the Catholic Mass and Protestant Communion, but there is more going on here than he reveals.

One of the unscriptural dogmas in the Catholic church is Transubstantiation, which was first decreed by Pope Innocent III in the year 1215. By this doctrine, the priest pretends to change a communion wafer and wine into the body and blood of Christ. While partaking in the Holy Mass, they are taught that the Catholic gains remission for sins - both the original sin and personal sin. The Protestant church denied any truth in this teaching - which helped to lead to the Reformation. Protestants believe that the Lord's Supper only holds symbolic significance, and it is to be treated as simply a memorial for Christ's sacrifice.

What does this have to do with Perry Stone? In the light of the Eucharistic Christ post, it means a lot. According to Perry Stone, you can be healed physically and have your sins removed by taking part in a daily communion meal. In an unique approach to the Lord's Supper, Perry says:
"Through receiving daily communion, it is possible for a person to receive the three-fold atoning work Jesus did on the cross. It includes, the physical healing for the body; the healing of the human spirit, removing of sin and the iniquity that's in a person's life; but also the healing of the emotions, and the soul, and the mind. So the atoning work of Jesus had to do with the body, soul, and spirit."
Scripture does not claim to do any of these things, but he's made a killing on his books and communion kits. As you listen to his opening remarks for this in-depth teaching, look at the cups in the background.

(YouTube link)

Do you see any similarity with the cups being carried by Mystery Babylon, the Mother of Harlots (also known as the Catholic church) and the Eucharistic chalices in Perry's background? Perhaps there is a connection we should be drawing between the two.

Is Dr. John Miller a Jesuit priest? This individual feels that he has proof that he is. Could it be that the Lord's Supper is being used as an early bridge into the Catholic faith?

I may be mistaken about the next video, but are they viewing the elements as the literal body and blood of Christ? When Dr. John took the bread, he in fact said that it was the body of Christ. In the second step, he did say it was a representation of the blood, but did not carry it through as such.

In later videos, Perry takes communion with his father and does say that it is a representation of the body and blood, but Dr. John did not make it as clear. It definitely makes you wonder who this guy is.

(YouTube link)

A Wake-up Call
Before the Lord opened my eyes to the false teaching of the Charismatic church, I used to follow Perry Stone's ministry very closely. I helped financially support his ministry, and I went to see him speak in Chesterfield, VA. I was sold-out for Perry and his Hebraic connection to the scriptures, with his pre-tribulation rapture, pro-Israel stance, and his revelation teachings.

When the Lord fully opened my eyes, I knew that even though Perry affirmed the essential doctrines, such as the inspiration of the Bible, the Trinity, and salvation through Christ; I knew his ministry was controversial, and at points heretical. When I reflected on some of the things he would teach, I was still curious about his teaching on "prophetic cycles." He taught that there would be a peak in a prophetic cycle by the year 2012, even before anyone was talking about 2012. Essentially, he seemed to know where our country was headed, and when it would happen. He may have told the audience how he got this information, but I never heard it - and I owned the tape. Is this because he's fully in the know about the changes in the Church that are ahead, and he's a player in the deception?

List of Problems
It is important to note that Perry is an ordained Bishop in the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee), which is a charismatic Pentecostal denomination. The Church of God is a member of the National Association of Evangelicals. The NAE is thoroughly ecumenical and is dedicated to racial reconciliation, societal morality, social concerns, and gender sensitivity at the expense of entangling alliances and blurring the true Gospel. If Perry is still holding this position within the Church of God hierarchy, he would have to be in agreement with this stand.

Perry, just as Joel Richardson, provides interesting evidence that the Mahdi is the Antichrist. It is against what has been traditionally taught in the Church, and doesn't hold water when you look at the big picture. Although it has some interesting nuances, it goes along with the same Masonic hype that makes the Muslim people appear to be the enemy of the world. 

Within his Voice of Evangelism website, there are a few things that are significant.

  • The ministry logo reflects the Hebraic with Christian influence, but the star of David represents the State of Israel and not the biblical Israel. Notice how the fish is pointing downward? Just as the Christian dove pointing downward is not Christian, I'd say the fish pointing downward has the same connotations, plus it has a pagan origin. The eight-pointed star and the seven-point menorah both have their problems. Even if the symbolism selected without giving it any thought, the Hebraic backdrop adds to romanticizing the Rothschild's State of Israel.
  • Perry is promoting an event that ecumenical secret society Mormon Glenn Beck will be speaking at.
  • Omega Ranch Project - The site states: "The Holy Spirit spoke and asked Perry, “Do you want to go where I am going?” Of course the answer was “Yes!” The Lord responded, “Then prepare to minister to the children and the youth, as I am going to pour out my Spirit on the sons and daughters of this generation.” (Joel 2:28-29) Now this statement may simply mean exactly what it says, or they could be aligned with Joel's Army Dominion Theology. 
  • Elijah's Mantle - The site states: "We are told that Elijah the prophet will appear in the future to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children (Malachi 4:5). Yet, just as John the Baptist carried a special anointing upon his life, we believe God will raise up a team of men who carry the boldness and vision for ministry that both Elijah and John carried in their generation! In anticipation of fulfilling God’s destiny in our lives, we are pleased to announce this special men’s ministry called Elijah’s Mantle. The mission of Elijah’s Mantle is to link men together to:
    • Establish "Kingdom Connections" to assist men in creating their own businesses, expanding their careers and pooling their resources for the advancement of the Gospel. (Seven Mountains - Dominion Theology)
    • Walk in a fresh anointing and a new boldness to witness and act out the will of God for their lives.
       We live in a generation that is easily swayed, and have been lulled to sleep. A wolf that comes in sheep's clothing, will bah like the sheep - not like a wolf. Christians should be more aware of who they are allowing into their livingroom, because the wolf is ready to devour the unsuspecting. Perry doesn't seem like the real deal and not one of a wolf, but his theology carries a different message.

    Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

    Project Camelot: Leo Zagami Explains Importance of Israel

    Leo Zagami has an interesting and twisted world, and could possibly be a shill - a stooge who helps an organization without disclosing that he has a close relationship with them. In Leo's case, he apparently left the order and decided to tell-all. However, in Leo's interview with Project Camelot, he comments on an interfaith conference he attended where a picture was taken of him with senior Jesuits.

    These pictures were taken at the World Congress of Initiatic Societies in April 2010, and the subtitle gave Leo the title of Ordo Illuminatorum Universalis Grand Master .[1] It becomes apparent that Leo isn't truthful with everything he's saying, if he still meets with the same group who is trying to derail Protestant Christianity for a Lucifer appointed/anointed global leader on earth. It's no wonder he had a stint in a mental hospital.

    This particular video segment is packed with interesting comments, especially concerning who is in charge of the world, Muslims in the Vatican, the Knights of Malta as the true defender of the Pope, and finally his remarks about Israel. Leo claims:
    "The Nazi's were actually born out of a conspiracy to create Adolph Hitler to make sure this being did what he did so they could claim the Israel state. Everything was planned for the end of times so the Jews have the land, as it is figured out in the ancient prophecies. So, everything is figured out in that way."
    This is a provocative statement! Leo Zagami knows that conspiracy researchers will be listening to every word he says for information, so is it actually disinformation he's spreading? Did the Luciferians in the secret societies call for the extermination of Jews to bring about the state for Israel, merely to fulfill prophetic scripture, or were they more interested in bringing about a world government to seat their future evil leader? Watch the video and see what you think about his comments.

    (YouTube link)

    The Jewish people who live in our country and Israel are innocent of wrongdoing, however the State of Israel is wicked to its core. Christian Zionists are clinging to a plan that will only enable a counterfeit fulfillment of Scripture. What a sad time of deception to live, is it not?

    Experts Release ET Invasion Scenarios - "The Last Card"

    (NewsCore) - We've all heard of the ravaged rain forests and the plight of the polar bear. But as far as reasons for saving the planet go, the one offered by scientists Thursday is truly out of this world.
    A team of American researchers have produced a range of scenarios in which aliens could attack the earth, and curiously, one revolves around climate change.

    They speculate that extraterrestrial environmentalists could be so appalled by our planet-polluting ways that they view us as a threat to the intergalactic ecosystem and decide to destroy us.

    The thought-provoking scenario is one of many envisaged in a joint study by Penn State and the NASA Planetary Science Division, entitled "Would Contact with Extraterrestrials Benefit or Harm Humanity? A Scenario Analysis."

    It divides projected close encounters into "neutral," those that cause mankind "unintentional harm" and, more worryingly, those in which aliens do us "intentional harm."

    "ETI could attack and kill us, enslave us, or potentially even eat us. ETI could attack us out of selfishness or out of a more altruistic desire to protect the galaxy from us. We might be a threat to the galaxy just as we are a threat to our home planet," it warns. (Read more)

    Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

    Leo Zagmi: Illuminati Whisleblower or the Ravings of a Madman?

    Leo Zagami claims to be a defector of 33rd degree Freemasonry and the Illuminati satanic cult. In interviews with Project Camelot, he exposes the Vatican as a satanic conspiracy to control the world by its many tentacles, and set up Israel for Armageddon. Much of the information in the Project Camelot  interview may be true, but is Leo really a defected Illuminati member?

    Leo claims he is sought after by Vatican agents to stop him from spreading the truth. Often times his email is hacked, and his phone service is shut off to deter his efforts. During the Project Camelot interview he tells the story about why his wife walked out on him. And you will find in the following interview, Leo provides his perspective about his arrest and detention.

    As he clearly lays out the plan for an Illuminati takeover in 2012, you will realize it is nothing but the rantings of a madman. He is not speaking from prison, but a mental hospital. This doesn't mean that everything he claimed was false, but the part about him being Jesus Christ lets you know the gig is up.

    (YouTube link)

    Leo's blog
    Leo's YouTube Channel

    Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

    David Icke: Engineered Economic Collapse

    It only adds to the panic when you see pictures
    like this in the American media.

    David Icke explains how the economic collapse is being about by the elites.  Icke said:
    "A bust is being manipulated, and it is happening for one reason and one reason only: the amount of units in circulation is being removed from the economy. What we are seeing now are the signs that they are now manipulating a bust in this very way, to create as much chaos, panic, and fear as possible, because panic, fear, and chaos are a manipulators dream."

    (YouTube link)

    Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

    Project Blue Beam: A Large Scale Psyop

    In order to create a one world religion, which is the last step before the New World Order surfaces, Luciferians will need to pull-off a massive worldwide deception. It is the essential ingredient needed in order to have the world's population forsake everything they believe, especially in the area of religion.

    Many speculate that based upon mounting evidence, computer animation and sound effects will come from the depths of space, as astonished followers witness their own returned messiah in convincing realness. Project Blue Beam will pretend to be the universal fulfillment of the prophecies of old, and be as major an event as the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the large scale psyop needed in order to get the world's cooperation and surrender. Does man have the technological ability to deceive the world? Watch this video and you decide.

    (YouTube link) (Part 1)

    (YouTube link) (Part 2)

    Let me piece together some ways holographic imaging has been used in the past. 

    Attack on the World Trade Buildings
    (YouTube link)

    (YouTube link)

    Prince Charles Speaks by Hologram

    (YouTube link)

    Interactive Holographic Imaging

    (YouTube link)

    3-D Mapping Projection

    (YouTube link)

    And the last bit of evidence - another 3-D Mapping project. This is really interesting!

    3-D Mapping Projection

    In the following clip, George Noory interviews Alex Jones as he weighs in on the possibility of a staged UFO event with a giant hologram. There may be a connection between UFOs and the Blue Beam pysop, but it is uncertain. Alex's information has come from different sources, one of which was Dr. Carol Rosin, since she works with the Disclosure Project. She was also a former NASA scientist who worked directly under Wernher Von Braun, the Nazi V2 Rocket Scientist from Operation Paperclip.  

    (YouTube link)

    According to the New Age John the Baptist Benjamin Creme, four UFOs will act as a sign that will herald the emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher. I've heard in other interviews that this will be a massive UFO, possibly 1 mile in wide. As you listen, Creme has his own version of what happened when the Lord Jesus was born.

    (YouTube link) (Begin at 04:00)

     "Let no man deceive you by any means..." 2 Thess. 2:3a

    Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

    El Paso, TX: Apparition of Mary

    The world is being prepared to receive "Mary" and "Jesus" apparitions, which are part of the lying signs and wonders predicted by the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 24. There are different versions of this video, with this one being the most intriguing. Even though demonic figures appeared around the image of the Virgin Mary, it did not sway the opinion of the Mary worshipers.

    (YouTube link)

    Michio Kaku Hyping Alien Invasion

    Project Blue Beam is a controversial subject and concerns the government carrying out a fake alien invasion to forward the agenda of creating their much sought after One World Government. The theory is that people will surrender their rights and freedoms than to be presented with an unbeatable enemy from another world.

    The video begins with Dr. Carol Rosin, a former NASA scientist who worked directly under Wernher Von Braun, the NAZI V2 Rocket Scientist from Operation Paperclip. She claims that Van Braun told her the plans the US government has for the future. She goes onto give the sequence of events: First, the Russians would be identified as the enemy, then later terrorists. The third enemy would be "third world crazies" or "nations of concern." Asteroids would become a concern, so they would have to continue creating space-based weapons. The final card will be the Alien / UFO card. Our government will use it in order to finish weaponizing space - all based on a lie. Having her own New Age agenda, Dr. Carol Rosin is working against the weaponization of space - and has had contact with aliens herself.

    The newest video is of Michio Kaku, an appointed mouthpiece of the corporate-controlled media. He discusses the evidence that supports intelligent life and the leads to the possibility of an alien invasion. He goes through the steps in evaluating the aliens, then how such an invasion would help with global governance. Note who he calls terrorists, which is at the end of the video.   

    (YouTube link)

    Related Posts
    The False Flag Alien Invasion
    Will there be a false flag alien invasion

    News Article
    With New Funding, Quest for Alien Life is Back On - 8/8/11

    Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011

    Gnostic Fundamentalism: Fulfilling One Beastly Mind

    Gnostic Fundamentalism is attempting to reduce the created order to ashes, thus returning the “spiritual ones” to their original cosmic oneness.[1] Gnosticism is one of the most pervasive human models contrived to obliterate the created order and return mankind to its supposed original divinity. Gnosticism was quietly promoted by individual scholars, and Gnostic teaching remained protected in secret societies, such as: Rosicrucianism (Rose Cross), Freemasonry, Illuminati, Knights Templar, Priory of Sion, and Opus Dei.

    Gnosticism experienced a revival when Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891), established the Theosophical Society. Theosophy focuses on esoteric doctrines borrowed from ancient Gnosticism, as well as other mystical sources. The teachings of Blavatsky caught on, and it could then be seen in Spiritism of the late 1800's.

    With the final appearance of Gnosticism, through the teachings of New Age movement and now its infiltration into modern Evangelical Christianity, we continue to see this incessant desire to become one. The ecumenical movement has blinded the eyes of those who are participating in it. There seems to be no way to stop it, and there are many who can't seem to be freed from it.

    In the following video, the YouTube blogger explains why Christians are blindly following this desire to be one body, and why many plainly don't see it. Based on Rev. 17:17:
    "For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled." KJV
    In the American Standard Version, you can really see it.
    "For God did put in their hearts to do his mind, and to come to one mind, and to give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God should be accomplished."
    Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary statement still applies today:
    "God so ruled the hearts of these kings, by his power over them, and by his providence, that they did those things, without intending it, which he purposed and foretold. They shall see their folly, and how they have been bewitched and enslaved by the harlot, and be made instruments in her destruction. She was that great city which reigned over the kings of the earth, when John had this vision; and every one knows Rome to be that city."  
    Here's the video:

    (YouTube link)

    Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

    Bilderberg-Approved Rick Perry Running for President

    Official word of Texas Governor Rick Perry's entrance into the race came just hours before eight candidates, including GOP front-runner Mitt Romney, were to appear on stage during a nationally televised debate. Even though he has presented himself as a born again Christian by coordinating a huge prayer event a week before, he isn't any different than the rest of the power hungry candidates.

    Being from Texas, Alex Jones has had an eye on him for years. As you may recall, Alex was screaming into a megaphone outside of Perry's Texas mansion at the end of Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement production, accusing him of his cooperation with the globalists. The best part of the tape, by the way!

    According to Alex's channel on YouTube, Perry has:
    • Set up a series of new tax systems in TX
    • With no regard to parental rights, Perry forced Gardasil inoculation of young girls in TX. It is known that his ties with Merck run deep.[1]
    • Promoted the North American Union Trans NAFTA Highway, and was the brainchild of the Trans Texas Corridor.
    • Has attended the Bilderburg Conference in 2007.
    With a little digging of my own, I found the following tidbits:
    • He is a supporter of Israel.
    • He backed No Child Left Behind which became law through the efforts of both John Boehner and Ted Kennedy for President George W. Bush. It is an educational program devised by UNESCO.
    • Perry has found Christian support among those connected with Dominion Theology, which desires radical overthrow of the US government for Jesus.[2]
    The following is an exposé of Rick Perry and the New Apostolic Reformation from Democracy Now:

    Will a society of sheep wake up to realize we are being run by a government of wolves? I doubt it!

    Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

    Roger Oakland: The Eucharistic Christ

    Roger Oakland, from Understanding the Times, speaks about the false Jesus of Roman Catholicism, sometimes referred to as the "Eucharistic Jesus." An explanation of this was covered in the post: "The Mystical Eucharistic Christ." In this presentation, Oakland provides more evidence of the strange teachings concerning the body and blood of Christ being consecrated in the elements of the bread and wine of Holy Communion.

    There are some who believe that the doctrine of Transubstantiation is witchcraft. When Roman Catholic doctrine states that Jesus Christ must obey the priest when He is summoned during the ceremony, and then goes within the wafer, this teaching is identical to witchcraft.[1] Another disturbing aspect to this is that they have Christ dying over and over, although He was sacrificed "once and for all" for our sins. It almost seems canabalistic, especially when you see the video of the wafer turned to blood (from the last post).

    Not included in the video is another viewpoint of the Eucharist ceremony, and the words used during the Catholic ritual. "Hoc est corpus meum" are Latin words translated to "For this is My body." The Latin phrase was later changed by Satanists to "Hocus Pocus." According to former Satanist, Doc Marquis, "Catholicism and witchcraft are one and the same."[2] This would explain the miracles connected to the Eucharist, and the messages that proceed from the apparitions of Mary saying that the she "wants all churches to be reunited, so that there will only be one Church for all people." Oakland speculates that apparitions of Jesus will take place in the future, and they have already begun. 

    Roger Oakland goes onto explain that the Catholics do not believe in a physical return of Christ, rather that the Kingdom of God will be established by the Roman Catholic Church. They believe that Jesus will reign through the sacrament of the Eucharist. It seems mildly abstract, but the way it plays out (part 6 of the video) is through the Three Pillars of the Last Days Church. These pillars are:
    1. The Eucharistic Christ

    2. The Blessed Mother

    3. The Pope - head of the global church.

    Funny thing is that there is a parallel to the three pillars within Freemasonry. This three pillar diagram has to do with the Galactic Alignment in 2012 [3], which would also go along with the New Age information we've come across before.

    Eucharistic adoration has and will win the Protestants back to the Catholic church. The Bible says that it can be done, but it should be clear that the Eucharistic Jesus is not the Lord Jesus Christ.
    Scripture is included in Oakland's presentation, and the video is very compelling!

    (YouTube link) (Begin at 03:45) (Part 2/7-Other parts on YouTube)

    Will August 15th be the day the dollar will be replaced?

    Huddled with his top economic advisers in an atmosphere of crisis, President Richard M. Nixon crafted an inauspicious package of policy actions on August 15, 1971. At Camp David, the plan was set into motion to suspend the convertibility of the dollar into gold or other reserve assets, for the first time since 1934. It imposed a temporary surcharge, generally at the rate of 10 percent, on dutiable imports. Prices, wages, and rents were frozen for 90 days, to be followed by a more flexible and durable–but still temporary–system of mandatory controls.”

    Forty years later, we are now experiencing violent fluctuations in the world’s stock markets. Will the United Nations want a global currency to replace the dollar. The U.N. said two years ago that it would be the biggest overhaul of the world's monetary system since WWII.

    The elites believe that by "replacing the dollar with an artificial currency would solve some of the problems related to the potential of countries running large deficits and would help stability. But you will also need a system of managed exchange rates. Countries should keep real exchange rates [adjusted for inflation] stable. Central banks would have to intervene and if not they would have to be told to do so by a multilateral institution such as the International Monetary Fund."[1]

    It would seem that August 15th was pre-planned by the Wall Street Fascists. It is interesting to note that it will be the 40th anniversary to the day that gold would no longer back the dollar. The number 40 is an important number in numerology.

    August 15th is apparently a busy day in history. Although we don't know yet if the dollar will be dropped as the global currency on that day, here are some other things that happened that day in history.

    Merkel and Sarkozy push closer Eurozone ties - 8/15/2011 - Transatlantic Alliance may force U.S. cooperation with European plans to reduce debt and fix their economies. 
    The Daily Bail - 2/11/11
    Marketwatch.com - 7/7/11
    Profi-ForEx - 8/13/11

    Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

    Michele Bachmann: Is She the Real Deal?

     Order of the Eastern Star?

    Just as Freemason Ron Paul has positioned himself as a Republican candidate to Truth movement voters, Rep. Michele Bachmann is positioned as a Tea Party candidate - defending issues that are of concern to right-wing Christians; but is she really?

    "Behind the curtain" of the Tea Party are the Koch brothers. They are two brothers who have bankrolled the movement and aren't the least bit concerned about right-wing issues. The billionaires own a vast empire that brings in revenues of $100 billion a year through oil refineries, pipelines, Georgia-Pacific lumber, and Dixie cups - among other things. They have financed the Tea Party in order to insure that laws are passed to protect their environmentally unfriendly empire, and so they can continue to gain wealthy.[1]

    These wealthy men have connections to Rupert Murdoch, whose mission it is to destroy Christianity and advance world government. Although that doesn't mean that Bachmann is guilty of the same offenses, it is interesting to note that she felt justified in voting to extend the Patriot Act; the death knell to our personal freedoms ...one of the same objectives she claims to defend.[2]

    In the following video, you will find that the interviewer has all the right questions concerning faith and politics, but she has all the wrong answers.

    (Vimeo link)

    During a speaking engagement, Bachmann told a church audience in Iowa, “I went down to Oral Roberts University, and one of the professors that had a great influence on me was an Iowan named John Eidsmoe. He’s from Iowa, and he’s a wonderful man. He has theology degrees, he has law degrees, he’s absolutely brilliant. He taught me about so many aspects of our godly heritage.”

    What she overlooked telling her audience is that he is a Reconstructionist who teaches his students that our country was founded as a Christian nation, by godly founders, and it must therefore be restored to its biblical roots. This would mean that clergy, laity, government, corporations, and individuals are to be in ultimate submission to the moral principles of Biblical Law. If brought in, it would be as restrictive as Sharia Law.

    (YouTube link)

    Then there is the issue with standing unconditionally with Zionist Israel. In Bloomberg.com website, Jeffrey Golberg writes:
    "Bachmann has built her foreign-policy platform on the nuance-free defense of Israel. She does this not because Israel is a strategic ally, or because it’s a democracy, but because the Bible states that God will curse those who betray it.

    At a recent meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition, she said, “I am convinced in my heart and in my mind that if the United States fails to stand with Israel, that is the end of the United States.” She went on: “We have to show that we are inextricably entwined, that as a nation we have been blessed because of our relationship with Israel, and if we reject Israel, then there is a curse that comes into play.”
    In the same article, Goldberg mentions Bachmann's trip to Tel Aviv to gain international support at a gay-pride parade. 

    In the Christian Examiner Online, Bachmann confides that Beverly LaHaye was a big inspiration in her political rise.[3] Who is Beverly LaHaye? She's the wife of Freemason Tim LaHaye, and leader of Concerned Women for America (CWA), one of the affiliated organizations of the Council for National Policy. Her husband, Tim LaHaye, is the author of the popular series of Left Behind, and the founder of the right-wing globalist organization Council for National Policy. It is the conservative version of the Council on Foreign Relations, which also has globalist aspirations. Based upon this CNP webpage, Bachmann is their gal.

    So, what do you say? Is she for real, or is she just another fake?