Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

Dennis Swanberg: Bengy and the Zipper

(YouTube link)

He's a Baptist preacher and Christian comedian. This is only one of many of his videos.

Churches' Dilemma: 80 Percent of Flock Is Inactive

(Christian Post) There is a secret inside many churches. According to researchers Scott Thumma and Warren Bird, most churches – mega-sized and small, black and white – are actually run by 20 percent of the congregation. The other 80 percent, they say, tend to act like spectators: they are minimally involved and attend infrequently or not at all.

A National Congregation Survey shows the Southern Baptist Convention had a membership of 16,160,088 people in 2008, but a yearly attendance rate of 38 percent. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America had a membership of 4,542,868 in 2009, but the yearly attendance rated rested at 28 percent.

Though many churches are struggling to boost attendance and participation, Thumma states, pastors and church leaders rarely address the issue.(Read more)

World Council of Churches: New Code of Conduct with Evangelism Guidelines

(Reuters Faith) A coalition representing most Christian churches around the world launched a rule book on Tuesday for spreading their faith that aims to reduce tensions among themselves and with followers of other faiths. The pioneering code of conduct, under negotiation for five years, was unveiled by the World Council of Churches (WCC), the Vatican and the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), which together claim to represent over 90 percent of Christianity.

It reaffirms their right to seek converts but also urges them to abandon “inappropriate methods of exercising mission by resorting to deception and coercive means”, saying that such behavior “betrays the Gospel and may cause suffering to others”. Click here for the PDF text of the guidelines.

Christian missionaries have long been accused of offering money, food, or other goods to win converts in poor countries, either from other faiths or from rival churches. Tensions have also risen in recent decades as evangelical Protestants have stepped up efforts to convert Muslims, which is a capital offense in some Islamic countries. This also prompts retaliation against local Christians who do not seek converts. (Read more)

(YouTube link)

Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant is within 2 miles of my father's home. Several years ago, there was a fire at the plant and people packed their cars to flee. That caused a bumper-to-bumper traffic jam that lasted hours, and went on for miles. My parents decided to stay home and take their chances. My father said the blaze of the fire at night was so bright, he could read his newspaper by it in the yard.

I think we will find nuclear power is a necessary evil. Being stationed in the Philippines, where there was only power plants, you came to know brown-outs and black-outs as a part of life. Unless we want to take a giant-step backwards in time, nuclear danger is something we'll need to tolerate. But in time, it may be the card environmentalists decide to play.

Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

Sphere within a Sphere: Sinister Sites

This gold sphere is by Italian sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro. Some believe the sculture to hold two meanings:
  1. The inner ball represents the Earth and outer ball represents Christianity. (Exoteric meaning)
  2. The suffering of war will give birth to a new world, hence a New World Order. (Esoteric meaning)
 It can be found at several locations around the world, all of which hold some significance.

United Nations, New York City

 Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington, D.C.

The Vatican

Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

The 'Sphere within a Sphere' sculpture can also be found at de Young Museum in San Francisco, CA; Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis; Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art; American Republic Insurance Company in Des Moines, Iowa; and the University of California, Berkeley.

It is understandable why these sculptures depicting the emergence of the New World Order are at the UN and the Vatican. The world government will be led by the United Nations, and the Vatican is the seat of the coming False Prophet. But there is also significance for each of the other locations as well.
  • Washington D.C. - America's occult destiny was to assume global leadership of the New World Order.
  • Trinity College - John Nelson Darby, one of the founders of the Pretribulation Rapture, graduated from Trinity. More importantly, it has a program of study that will assist cities in transition to globalism.
  • Christian Theological Seminary - It is an ecumenical seminary and was a charter participant in the World Council of Churches.[1
  • University of California, Berkeley - The Engineers for a Sustainable World are based at UC, Berkeley. Their goal is to improve the quality of life and the prosperity of the planet, but in a way that's economically, environmentally and socially sustainable. [2]
  • Tehran, Iran - Iran is Persia, and it plays a part in end time Bible prophecy. It is an allied force with Russia.
  • San Francisco - A hotbed of Communist activity. Gorbachev Foundation is headquartered in San Francisco.
  • Iowa - Agricultural land prices have skyrocketed there. Iowa has the most productive cornfields in the United States, and possibly the world.

25% of Gaza Flotilla Are Jewish Anti-Zionist Protesters

(DemocracyNow.org) - Up to 50 Americans are set to sail from a Greek port on a U.S.-flagged ship that is part of an international flotilla carrying humanitarian aid and letters of support for Gaza's 1.5 million Palestinian residents. Its fate is now in limbo under the weight of U.S.-Israeli pressure and Greece's economic turmoil.

Israel insists it will enforce its blockade on Gaza, which it says is aimed at stopping weapons from reaching the Hamas government. "The Israelis have a right to interdict arms traffic. We are bearing letters," says Ray McGovern, former Senior CIA analyst and passenger on the U.S. aid ship. "How can these letters be considered a threat to security of Israel?"

Obama administration has told them not to set sail and even warned them they could face punishment back home. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton suggested Israel would have the right to use force to prevent the ships’ passage. The State Department called the flotilla "irresponsible and provocative" and warned that U.S. delegates could face "fines and incarceration.” 

Democracy Now! producer Aaron Maté and Hany Massoud is in Athens to cover the journey of The Audacity of Hope, named after President Obama's best-selling book. He is the only journalist with the U.S. delegation, and files this exclusive report.

(YouTube link)

(Christian Science Monitor) Activists hoping to join a flotilla of activist vessels challenging Israel's economic blockade of Gaza, had its propeller cut while in Athen's harbor today. A spokesman contacted by the Monitor said that the damage was a deliberate act of sabotage.

Israel and its allies have been working hard to head off the planned flotilla, which is hoping to enter the waters off Gaza in the next week. Col. (ret) Ann Wright, who's organizing a US vessel named the Audacity of Hope for the flotilla, says her ship has been detained in Athens on spurious charges that it's not seaworthy. She says that charge was made by an Israeli legal group...

...Israel has been desperate to stop the flotilla from nearing Gaza. Israel raided a similar flotilla in international waters last year, killing nine pro-Palestinian activists in the process, one of them an American citizen. In the wake of that event, and the international outcry against Israel, Israel eased some of the restrictions on the flow of goods into Gaza.

Bacchus Dionysus: god of TBN?

A convenient pagan deity invented by the ancients as an excuse for getting drunk. Bacchus Dionysus was the great Olympian god of wine, vegetation, pleasure and festivity. He was depicted as either an older bearded god or a pretty effeminate, long-haired youth. His attributes included the thyrsos (a pine-cone tipped staff), drinking cup, leopard and fruiting vine. He was usually accompanied by a troop of Satyrs and Mainades (female devotees or nymphs).

Some of the more famous myths featuring the god include:
The images of Bacchus as seen in artwork around the world

Trinity Broadcasting Network

The following photographs and research were accumulated by Jordan Maxwell.

On Jordan's website, he makes a connection between the pagan images seen at TBN with that of Bacchus Dionysus. He believes this god is one in the same with 'the devil.'


Was this Bacchus overseeing winemaking, or is it a gargoyle. Gargoyles are said to scare off and protect from any evil or harmful spirits, and are therefore apotropaic in origin. Did TBN use this image to represent who they truly worship - Lucifer? Whatever it is, it's pure evil!

Senin, 27 Juni 2011

L.A. Marzulli: Watchers 2

Lynn Marzulli poses the question, "Are these frequent earthquakes, volcanic activity, floods, famines, tornado’s, record snowfalls, and wars and rumors of wars, business as usual or something more?" Unlike his first video, which had to do with UFOs, this video has to do with strange anomalies.

Anti-foaming agent found in Chicken McNuggets


(NaturalNews) Ever wonder what's really found in Chicken McNuggets? Some of the ingredients, it turns out, seem to belong more to an industrial factory of some kind, not a food retailer. According to the McDonald's Corporation, its famous Chicken McNuggets are made with ingredients including autolyzed yeast extract (which contain free glutamate, similar to MSG), sodium phosphates and sodium aluminum phosphate. But that's not the freaky part. According to McDonald's own website, Chicken McNuggets are also made with "hydrogenated soybean oil with TBHQ and citric acid added to preserve freshness" and "Dimethylpolysiloxane added as an antifoaming agent." (http://nutrition.mcdonalds.com/nutr...)

At least two of these ingredients are artificially synthesized industrial chemicals. TBHQ, a petroleum derivative, is used as a stabilizer in perfumes, resins, varnishes and oil field chemicals. Laboratory studies have linked it to stomach tumors. "At higher doses, it has some negative health effects on lab animals, such as producing precursors to stomach tumors and damage to DNA. A number of studies have shown that prolonged exposure to high doses of TBHQ may be carcinogenic, especially for stomach tumors." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TBHQ) (Read more)

Genetically Engineered Rice

Rice is something we eat a lot of in the Martin household. We love Asian food, so it has become a part of our diet. When I learned that white rice is one of the foods researchers are experimenting with, I tried to locate a list of companies selling it. I didn't come up with a list, but Mahatma rice is one company selling genetically engineered rice. This is the company that sells rice cheap at the military commissary where I shop, and the rice I've been buying for several years.

Greenpeace, the environmental organization leading the way to protect the earth, has exposed companies researching, growing, and selling genetically modified foods. Although they have some good causes, their goals fall in line with UN falsehoods, such as global warming and removing nuclear power.

 Greenpeace in China

The following news stories are two ways they have exposed GMOs in the past.
  • Illegal GM rice found in baby food and rice noodles - Genetically engineered rice is still in the research phases in China, and has not yet been approved for commercial planting. Thus, it is illegal for food producers to use GE rice in their products. But, Greenpeace found that a rice formula made by Yili, one of China’s leading dairy companies, contained the illegal genetically engineered rice line Bt63. Nursoy, a soy-based formula made by Wyeth (parent company Pfizer), tested positive for GE soy. This formula is sold in China. 
  • Unauthorized U.S. genetically engineered rice found in Beijing - This 2007 article reports that Mahatma Extra Long Grain Enriched Rice contained a herbicide resistant GE rice. GE rice LL601, a product of the U.S. company Bayer, was approved for commercial growing in 2006, after it was found to contaminate U.S. rice products. Currently, the U.S. is the only country that allows commercial growing and sale of GE rice. GE rice LL601 has contaminated U.S. food exports to at least 32 countries, including China, where GE rice LL601 has not been approved for import (2).
The following link is provided to research how Greenpeace has documented the contamination of rice.

Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

Fallen Angels: Hollywood's Suggestive Messages

This is more evidence that Hollywood and the music industry are preparing society for the future age. The Katy Perry video fell right into the whole theme of fallen angels/ET’s. This time we see a commercial that seems to be promoting sex with fallen angels. It's the fallen angel campaign for Lynx Excite body spray. These female angels fall right out of the sky, then lust after men, instead of the biblical account of fallen angels lusting after woman. Maybe it goes to show how sinful this generation truly is.

(YouTube link)

The Evangelical Abomination

Phil Johnson, Executive Director of John MacArthur's Grace To You, www.gty.org, addresses the question, "What is an evangelical? He suggests that it has lost its direction and has become a mixed bag of belief systems.

(YouTube link)

I do not endorse John MacArthur.

Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

Nuclear Attack On US Warned Imminent As Saudi War Nears

by whatdoesitmean.com

A secret report authored by Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky circulating in the Kremlin today states that the Northern Fleet Units that have taken up positions off the US East Coast with their British, French and American counterparts for the FRUKUS 2011 exercise have been “alerted” that their operations have now been combined with those of the US Marines “Mailed Fist” operation involving tens-of-thousands of troops due to the US believing a nuclear attack upon one or more of its cities is “imminent.”

According to Admiral Vysotsky’s chilling report, both the US and EU have received “substantial” intelligence indicating that the detonation of a low-level nuclear device has been planned to occur in a major NATO nation within the next week that has been orchestrated by Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and Saudi Arabia’s General Intelligence Presidency (GIP).

Admiral Vysotsky further states in his report that President Obama [ kneeling before Saudi King Fahd] is in route to the Fort Drum Army Base in New York today to be briefed on and oversee these operations should an attack actually take place.

Being kept from the American people about these events are how close their nation is to all-out war with Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, and as we had detailed in our 28 May report Obama Vows War On Saudi Arabia, Orders Thousands Of US Troops To Region.”

Increasing the fears of Saudi Arabia towards Obama, this report continues, was the American President announcing yesterday his plans to begin withdrawing US Military Forces from Afghanistan, which both the Saudis and Pakistan believe will be used, instead, to target them under a plan devised by two of Obama’s most trusted friends, and Pakistani nationals, Wahid Hamid and Hasan Chandoo.

Important to note about Hamid and Chandoo is that aside from their being the top two bundlers of campaign contributions allowing Obama to become President, they are, also, Shiite Muslims associated with the powerful Pakistani Bhutto clan whose last leader, former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, was assassinated on 27 December 2007 before she could take power, a killing that all of Obama’s allies blame on Pakistan’s ISI working in concert with Saudi Arabia’s GIP and Pakistan’s Sunni Muslim military rulers.

Obama’s first meeting with the Bhutto clan was in 1981 when he traveled to Pakistan in a visit hosted by Pakistan’s caretaker Prime Minister Mian Muhammadian Soomro whose rule was made possible by the execution of Benazir Bhutto’s father, Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in 1979, and who was, notably, the last Shiite ruler of the majority Sunni Pakistan.

At this point it is important for Americans to note that their so called “War on Terror” is, in fact, a global “fight to the death” between the majority Arab Sunni Muslims and their Persian Shiite Muslim foes that has raged for centuries, and that for decades saw the US supporting the Sunni’s, especially Saudi Arabia, but since the events of 11 September 2001 has seen them switch sides to Shiite’s.

If it weren’t for the fact that lands holding the vast majority of our world’s last remaining oil and gas resources are controlled by these two rival Islamic factions one could be assured that the wars we see now, and the greater ones to come, would not involve the world’s greatest powers. But, as this is not the case, and the Sunni’s and Shiite’s do, indeed, control the future of the 21st Century by virtue of their energy wealth, the world’s powers have no choice.

The events of 9/11 proved a turning point in this Sunni-Shiite war when the Sunni Muslim led nations of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan engineered the horrific attacks upon the US with assistance from rogue elements within the American military and intelligence communities.

The United States response to this attack against them was a multi-decade plan to destroy the entire Sunni Muslim Arab world while at the same time protecting their new Shiite allies, most notably Persian Iran, who more than any other nation has benefited from America’s wars that has seen their two most hated enemies, Saddam Hussein’s led Iraq, and Afghanistan’s Taliban virtually destroyed.

With both former Sunni-led Iraq and Afghanistan now under Shiite control, and protected by American military might, the US then turned its sights on the other Arab Sunni-controlled nations, most notably Egypt, which after their revolution reestablished ties with Iran.

With Obama ordering the killing of Osama bin Laden, however, the “game” America was playing could no longer be disguised and the whole of the Arab Sunni world now knows the US has, indeed, sided with the Shiite’s and they must respond in kind if they are to survive.

In our 25 October 2008 report Iranian Leader In Secret Meet With Obama At US Military Stronghold In Hawaiiwe warned of the genesis of this new American-Iran alliance, and in our 5 August 2009 report Russia “Shocked” Over $18 Billion Iran Payment To Obama After Failed US-Backed Saudi Coup we further warned how this changing global paradigm would be affecting the world.
Unfortunately, for the vast numbers of Americans at least, warnings unheeded are the same as no warning ever given at all.

And because these warnings have gone unheeded, and as Saudi Arabia continues its spending of hundreds-of-billions of dollars to counter the United States attempt to destroy the Arab Sunni world, the only move, so to speak, left for the Sunni’s is to bring this war directly to the very doorsteps of America and Europe.
Equally important to note is that Obama’s main ally in this titanic struggle between the Sunnis and Shiites, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is under threat of impeachment from forces loyal to Iran’s Supreme Leader because in his siding with the US has made a “deal with the devil” and is under the “power of sorcery.”

It goes without saying that the events described in this report are staggering to the mind, but it does not make them not true; and with Russia now building an additional 5,000 bomb shelters, and the US Defense Department now working on a vaccine to “genetically cure” Sunni Muslim fanaticism, one should know, without any shadow of doubt, that what was before is now gone, there are no rules left for anyone, anymore…only those who truly know the truth will survive.

Additional graphics added by mysteryoftheinquity.wordpress.com/ 

Holographic Mirage Appears In China

(Huffington Post) ITN, a broadcast network in Britain, posted video last week of a stunning mirage in East China that features a city skyline, replete with what appear to be buildings and trees. Video-curation site Devour.com writes the mirage appeared over the Xin'an River in East China.

ITN is the only news network to report on it, although MSN UK picked up the video. This is not the first time mirages like this, which Devour calls superior mirages, have been reported in China. In 2006, China Daily, an English language newspaper, posted four images of what it said were mirages off the coast of Eastern China's Shandong province.

(YouTube link)

This isn't the first time the concept of a holographic image has crossed our path. There has been some speculation that a staged UFO event would use 3-D holographic technology. There are many who believe UFOs and aliens will play a major part in this final deception. Holographic imaging would create a paradigm shift that would provide the means for the final step toward the one world religion.

Another use for a holographic imagery would be to project Jesus delivering a message that is contrary to the Bible. This message could be that all paths lead to God, or that Isa, the Muslim version of Jesus, would declare that Islam is the one path to God.

According to Islamic tradition, Jesus' descent will be in the midst of wars fought by the Mahdi. Jesus will descend near of a white arcade [building], east of Damascus, dressed in yellow robes – his head anointed. He would then join the Mahdi in his war against the Antichrist. Isa, considered in Islam as a Muslim and one of God’s messengers, will abide by the Islamic teachings. Eventually, the Isa will slay the Dajjal, and then everyone from the People of the Book (referring to Jews and Christians) will believe in him. Thus, there will be one community, that of Islam. [1] This doesn't leave room for Maitreya, but Benjamin Creme may still have something up his sleeve. 

It is apparent that scientists are using China as a testing ground for computerized 3-D projection of holographic imaging. It is being perfected in order to bring about a massive deception.

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